Phillip Island Running Festival

Kids – 2k – 5k – 10k – 21k – 42k – 50k

Q: What are the cutoff times?

A: All participants must be clear of the penguin beach before the penguins start coming ashore.  Therefore, all runners in all distances must be on the boardwalk, near the finish, by 4:30pm. 

50km runners:

The checkpoint is at Berries Beach at 34.5km.  Runners must be through the checkpoint by 1:45pm (5:45 hours).  Runners arriving after 1:45pm will be diverted to the 42km course.  Runners pass through the checkpoint a second time at 40km.  Runners arriving at the checkpoint, for either the 1st or 2nd time, after 3pm will be stopped at Kitty Miller Bay and shuttled to the finish.

42km runners:

The checkpoint is at Berries Beach at 34.5km.  Runners must be through the checkpoint by 3pm (7 hours).  Runners arriving after 3pm will be stopped at Kitty Miller Bay and shuttled to the finish.


Q: Where are the aid stations?

There are 6 aid stations on course.  See the maps page and the race info page for their locations.


Q: What running surface is the course?

A: A variety of wide access trails, coastal dirt roads, beaches, cliff top single tracks, back country roads and short sections of bitumen.


Q: Do all participants receive a finishers medal?

A: Yes.


Q: Are there event t-shirts?

A: Yes. A technical shirt and casual wear shirt are available to purchase.


Q: Is the course pram friendly?

A: The 2km, 5km and 10km courses are suitable for off-road running type prams.


Q: Is there a qualifying criteria to participate?

A: No, however, there are time limits for the 42km and 50km races.  Participants who don’t meet cut off times will be diverted onto a shorter course.  These runners will not receive a finishers medal and be recorded as “DNF”.


Q: Are there age group categories?

A: Results will be provided for per age group, but there will not be any official presentations for age groups results.


Q: Is there an age limit for the event?

A: You must be 18 years or over to participate in the 42km and 50km races, and 16 years or over for the 21km race. Participants in the 5km and 10km events must be 10 years of age or older on race day and have parental permission to participate.


Q: Can I bring my dog?

A: No.  Not even on a lead.  The area is a nature park and no domestic animals are permitted. 


Q: Is there car parking?

A: Yes, there is ample car parking at the penguin parade centre.


Q: Does this event support a charity?

A: Yes, refer to information on the Home page.


Q: Is there a “teams” category?

A: Yes.  We encourage participants to register as part of a team for some friendly competition.




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If you would like to be involved in supporting this community event, please contact us for a chat.  We'd love to hear from you.

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