Phillip Island Running Festival
Kids – 2k – 5k – 10k – 21k – 42k – 50k
The Thin Green Line Foundation
What we do:
The Thin Green Line Foundation Protects Nature’s Protectors by providing vital support to Rangers and their communities on the front-line of conservation. TGLF is the charitable arm of the International Ranger Federation, and we exclusively support Rangers to protect the world’s wildlife.
Working with partner organisations around the world, we provide training and equipment to Rangers, facilitate knowledge exchange and networking between Rangers, advocate on behalf of Rangers, and provide compensation to Rangers’ families should a Ranger fall in the line of duty.
Why we support Rangers:
Unfortunately, in many countries around the world Rangers are under-paid, under-equipped and under-appreciated. Research[1] endorsed by TGLF showed that in Africa and Asia:
- Rangers work an average of 76 hours per week for which they earn just $64 USD
- 60% of Rangers lack basic equipment – boots, raincoats, radios etc.
- 40% of Rangers report inadequate training
- Somewhere in the world a Ranger is killed in the line of duty every three to four days
Our support to Rangers:
Through Rangers we increase community engagement in conservation, promote indigenous Rangers’ cultural knowledge, enhance the rights and recognition of Rangers, tackle poaching and encourage pro-conservation livelihoods.
Capacity and Capability |
Ranger Knowledge Exchange |
Ranger and family support |
Community Awareness |
Our achievements:
- In 2017/18 Thin Green Line raised over $1.4 million to support Rangers on the frontline of conservation, supporting projects and Fallen Rangers in 23 countries.
- 1000 Rangers Trained – in first aid, anti-poaching and patrolling techniques, wildlife management and community engagement.
- 1200 pieces of equipment donated – including boots, first aid kits, ration packs, mosquito nets and patrol packs.
- 58 families supported: The families of Rangers killed in the line of duty have been supported with our Fallen Ranger grants, keeping children in education and building livelihoods.
We choose sponsors and partners because we believe in their products. We are confident you will be satisfied as you check them out and support them.
If you would like to be involved in supporting this community event, please contact us for a chat. We'd love to hear from you.